Thursday, January 3, 2013


Hello all my blogger readers!

I am sorry I haven't written anything in such a long time, I have been sick and with the holidays it's been busy and crazy and excuses excuses. It is 2013! This year is going to be a great year for me, I'm going to make it happen. One of the thing I really want to do this year is blog more, I think having a blog is a great thing so this year I will be trying to write a meaningful post once a week. I want to write longer pieces and things that are more thought-out. I also want to use my youtube channel more and upload more videos because  think that will be fun. I have so many different ideas planned I just don't know where to start.

I really want to do BEDA this year and am already stock piling ideas for that and I want to talk about music and random shit like that. I am currently listening to Rachel Whitehurst's playlist and it's SO GREAT. Go click that link seriously. But I want to do so much in 2013 so I think I'll start by cleaning my room.

Have a great day. (: