Today sucks. Literally sucks. I might as well say this now, I threw up in the middle of my permit test and failed. By one question. Who does that? Seriously? I have never been more embarrassed in my life. Well I probably have but this was a moment I will never forget. It also doesn't help that someone who I am not friends with anymore got their permit today. I honestly though don't know why I need to get a permit, I mean I am planning on living in a city when I get older and hopefully going to the UK, you don't need cars for a city and the UK drives backwards compared to what we do.
Honestly the only things making today better are the fact that I have a great marathon to watch on my computer (2 Wes Anderson films and then Little Miss Sunshine and then season 3 of the office), a boyfriend who loves me, and my blog to write/complain about. Fantastic Mr. Fox is really great so far, I'm enjoying it a lot and The Darjeeling Limited is one of my all time favorite films and we're getting Outback for dinner. Clearly today cannot be redeemed though because I threw up at the DMV. Wow. Let me go die in a hole. AlsoIneedtofinishmysummerhomework. Meh.
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