Saturday, April 6, 2013

College Tours

*EDIT* Didn't realize this didn't post earlier! I'm sorry!

Tomorrow I will be driving to SLC (Sarah Lawrence College). It's in Bronxville. NY and from what I've read on the website, it looks like it could be a good fit. This will be my very first college tour and I am a bit nervous. I debated about not going and canceling to attend a jazz concert near where I live but I need to start visiting college. As scary as that is and while I may not know what I want to do just yet, I have to start looking for a place where I can see myself spending 4+ years there. When did I get so old?

I have a list of the colleges that I want to visit and some tours set up but I am still so scared with the price of everything that comes with college and then becoming a real adult. Luckily, MissxRojas (Rosianna) has some wonderful videos that help me feel better and calm me down about being an adult, (also that I can still watch lots of film and tv, that makes me feel better too.)

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